The Benefits of “Turning Within” Meditation






And with:

  • No focus

  • no concentration

  • no clearing the mind of thoughts


Different from other techniques!
So much easier…

What is the Difference Between “Turning Within” Meditation and Other Techniques?

Sam Chin Now Teaches
“Turning Within” Meditation

Kelvin has taught thousands of people
for over 50 years

Classes are taught “live” via videoconference & phone

Worldwide in 60 countries…

Hear how they each Overcame their Pain…


Join Kelvin Chin and 3 of his meditation students
who have overcome their physical pain
(from autoimmune diseases, surgeries, Parkinson's, accidents, broken bones)
since learning “Turning Within” Meditation

Hear their personal stories
managing & even eliminating acute physical pain

“Turning Within” Meditation
with his student Brittany Cook


CLICK on photo to WATCH - Interview with Kelvin & his student Brittany Cook



Hear how they each Overcame their Anxiety…


“Long-Term Effects” of this Meditation technique...


An interactive discussion with Kelvin’s students from across the U.S., Canada and Europe & a talk by Kelvin on how his technique of meditation changes HOW we experience life itself!

Subscribe to Kelvin’s YouTube channel 

Watch 120 interviews and classes for free!

Kelvin’s 2021 book!
Chapter 4 is entirely on “Meditation”


Available on Amazon & booksellers worldwide


a collection of 67 essays on
Meditation, Emotions, Life Principles & the Spiritual

As Featured in...

What is so Special About Learning Meditation from Kelvin Chin?

  • NOT an app (so no devices needed)

  • Small classes (maximum of 6 students)

  • Reduces & eliminates the “Fear of Uncertainty”

  • You are independent, self-sustaining, can do it anywhere

How Is This Technique Different From Other Meditations?

  • Not a guided meditation or visualization process

  • Non-religious

  • Do not have to “clear the mind”

  • No focus, control, concentration

Different From “Mindfulness”

“Mindfulness” meditation is a form of Buddhist meditation. All Buddhist meditation techniques involve focus and control. Some more and some less. But all do. So they either start out or become difficult to practice over time. Kelvin has even taught Buddhist monks his much easier technique of meditation.

Kelvin’s “Turning Within” Meditation does not involve any focus or control. Focus limits the mind in meditation. “Turning Within” Meditation expands the mind’s capacity for experience, and relaxes and heals the body.

For years, I had tried “Mindfulness” with paid plans & free podcasts. When a course ran out of fresh stuff, I’d lose interest; if a subscription ended, perhaps guilt would compel me back. Now my meditation makes my world less complicated & me more SETTLED. “Turning Within” Meditation WORKS.
— Michael Tucker, Hilo, Hawaii
I took Kelvin’s meditation class 25 years ago during my surgical residency — the meditation has been invaluable.
— Gary Bellack, MD, Board Certified Surgeon, Beverly Hills, California
marni headshot color.jpg
Kel is an amazing meditation teacher! His meditation classes were like
nothing I have ever experienced and I’ve been meditating for years.
I highly recommend working with him to anyone!
— Marni Blythe Borelli, Business Coach, Raleigh, North Carolina

Chief Warrant Officer, Jimmy Carpenter, U.S. Army, Vietnam

The Military

Kelvin Chin has taught meditation in the military helping soldiers, veterans, contractors, and “Gold Star Families” deal with and overcome the full range of issues that come with military service, both in war zones overseas and in the U.S.

For More Details…

LISTEN to these short 3-minute Audio Clips...
Click on each image...

Millennials — You Can Be Yourself Again...

Too many Millennials are increasingly anxious — Why is that? — And what can you do?

It is incredible how effective this technique is. I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I am myself again!
— Sidney Covey, 21 years old, after 3 weeks of “Turning Within” Meditation

For over 50 years, Kelvin Chin has taught thousands of people worldwide...
Business executives, doctors, nurses, professional athletes, U.S. Military, students, priests, nuns, rabbis, monks...

On the Phone, Zoom, FaceTime, and In-person

Learn from your Living Room !
Personal Instruction by Kelvin Chin

Kelvin teaches in 60 countries

Through Zoom or Skype, Kelvin gives “live” online classes all over the world. I was working in Kuwait and contacted Kelvin on his website. My anxiety gradually reduced, my sleep improved, and I have had no anxiety now for over 2 years since learning his easy, effortless technique!
Thank you, Kelvin!!
— Jovan, Serbia (& Kuwait)

Jamila Battle, MD

Jamila Battle, MD

I recently worked with Kelvin to better understand meditation. So many forms of meditation focus on “waking state metrics.” As a board certified sleep physician, I can tell you that this makes no sense. Kelvin teaches “Turning Within” Meditation which allows the mind to not have to fight thoughts, and so they are not experienced as distractions. This process is effortless which allows the mind to experience greater peacefulness and inner calm much like the state of sleep. Restorative sleep regenerates brain cells associated with learning, emotion and memory. Turning Within Meditation has similar scientifically verified benefits to learning, memory, and more. I recommend Turning Within Meditation.
— Jamila Battle, MD, Board Certified Family, Sleep and Addiction Medicine, Raleigh, North Carolina

The EASIEST Meditation in the World !

The way Kelvin teaches Meditation, you do NOT have to ‘clear the mind of thoughts.’ Unlike 90% of other meditation techniques taught in the world, you do NOT have to focus, control, or concentrate the mind. Those techniques are difficult to do and take a long time to get any results. Instead, Kelvin's technique of “Turning Within” is easy and effortless.

Kelvin’s technique is also different from the guided meditation, visualization, or “mindfulness” process you may learn at a yoga class or on an app. His meditation is taught in 4 classes, and then you know how to do it — on your own — for the rest of your life!
No app, no equipment, no incense needed.

And, it is non-religious. It does not involve any religious or cultural trappings or lifestyles. Kelvin has even taught Buddhist monks, Catholic priests, nuns, ministers and Jewish rabbis this technique — and they all continue to do their own form of meditation and prayer afterwards. They even say they get more benefit from their previous techniques after they learn what Kelvin teaches them.

So, there is no conflict with any existing beliefs, nor are there any new beliefs to adopt.

It is done with your eyes closed, in a comfortable sitting position. And, it can be done anywhere — in your car, a plane, train, hotel lobby, airport lounge, or in your home.

Learn in your Pajamas...!

PLUS, Kelvin can teach you to meditate while you are sitting at home in your sweatpants or pajamas! He typically teaches on the phone, Zoom, FaceTime or webinar, unless it is an in-person Meditation class in your living room or at a business or school. 

“Letting go” has been an issue for me. I find that I seem to “think” too much. Last night during our meditation class, I let go of felt wonderful.
I didn’t try or force, it just was natural. This is what I’ve been looking for.
Here’s to a lifetime of meditation!
— Doug Townsley, Los Angeles, California

Please Make a Tax-Deductible Donation
to Our Nonprofit


Please consider donating to help us cover those
who cannot pay full tuition and to help us continue to offer
our lifetime of Free services to our meditation students after the initial class.
Your donations help us offer our Free follow-up
Refresher Q&A sessions on an ongoing basis.
Your thoughtfulness and generosity is greatly appreciated ! is qualified as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS. teaches a meditation technique that is nonreligious and embraces the beliefs of all people. Donations to the nonprofit are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Do you have a matching gift program at work? Please contact us with any questions.

“Organizations that fully embrace transparency—the heart of our Exchange program—can share data about their organization’s impact to earn the Platinum level. The Platinum level of participation is GuideStar’s highest distinction, earning the most benefits and recognition. Of course, it’s also the hardest level to achieve which is why those numbers are in the 700’s. Your organization, ‘Turning Within Meditation Foundation,’ is among the elite few to reach that distinction—Congratulations!”
— Guidestar Nonprofit Directory, Guidestar USA

Kelvin is also the founder of another nonprofit, the Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundation
where he helps people worldwide reduce their fear of death and dying
so they can live life more fully in the present...

3 Nonprofit Organizations for Global Work

Kelvin Chin has 3 nonprofit organizations through which he does his global work.
You can easily navigate among the 3 websites by clicking on the hot links at the bottom of any website page
which will take you to the other websites...Just hover your cursor over the names of the websites and Click on the hot link.